WuZhou KingDa Mesh

Install Razor Barbed Wire

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Privacy and security have become major concerns to homeowners, especially those who live on a large amount of property. The options available to keep unwanted visitors out of a specific area include tall fences spanning for miles that usually incorporate some sort of Razor Barbed Wire, electric or razor concertina wire.


Razor Barbed Wire makes for a highly effective method of keeping people or animals out of a given area, as evidence has shown through the use of razor barbed wire on perimeters of prisons and zoos. Installing razor wire can be difficult and dangerous; follow a few proper instructions, and you'll complete the job with ease


Load the coils of razor barbed wire onto a vehicle capable of transporting the weight of the material, such as a forklift or tractor. Smaller areas will not require this apparatus.


Anchor the beginning coil of razor barbed wire to an end fence post by using aluminum tie wraps to strap the wire to the fence post and stake the wire into the ground securely with a forked stake. If you do not have access to a fence post, place an aluminum post in the ground to make an anchor post for the razor barbed wire.


Uncoil the razor barbed wire by stretching it the entire length of the wall or fence. Ask another person for help in properly stretching the wire evenly.


Stand about 20 feet apart from one another, and stretch the wire in sections. The lead person walks 40 feet while stretching, then stops, then the second person walks 20 feet then stops; repeat until you've covered the perimeter.


Anchor the ending coil of razor wire coil onto the wall or fence post as in Step 2. Then, using forked stakes, anchor the wire into the ground every 5 feet of perimeter.


Repeat this process on the top of the wall or fence if desired and use aluminum tie wraps to secure the razor barbed wire to every fence post.